Creative Learning in Authentic Contexts with Advanced Educational Technologies

The integration of advanced educational technologies into authentic learning environments is transforming the way students engage with knowledge. The Educational Technology & Society special issue (Vol. 25, No. 2), edited by Rustam Shadiev, Wu-Yuin Hwang, and Gheorghita Ghinea, explores how immersive technologies (such as augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and game-based learning) enhance creativity and problem-solving in real-world contexts.

One key theme in this issue is how technology personalizes learning experiences. AI-driven adaptive learning platforms and AR simulations allow students to interact with content in dynamic, contextually relevant ways. These technologies support deeper learning by enabling students to experiment, collaborate, and apply concepts in authentic situations.

Another focus is the role of gamification and immersive experiences in fostering motivation. Studies highlight how digital storytelling, virtual reality, and interactive simulations can bridge the gap between theory and practice, making abstract concepts more tangible and engaging.

As educators continue to explore these innovations, a critical question remains: How can we design technology-enhanced learning experiences that balance creativity with structured learning objectives?

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